It Takes a Team!
Getting Started with Developing a PLN
The Tooth Team for a Lifetime of Healthy Smiles.
C. Seaman Photo |
Healthy lifestyles begin with good oral hygiene. Gum disease and dental decay have been positively linked to heart disease, diabetes, immune and digestive system disorders. Optimum oral health can be achieved; though, it takes more than a toothbrush and the Tooth Fairy. Contemporary dental professionals are trained to teach patients about oral-systemic links, current techniques and products while applying the most current evidenced-based care.
Patients are unique! And within the context of the care plan, teaching styles and lessons delivered are tailored to meet the needs and conditions of each patient. A critical facet of the care plan is evaluation. This is where dental professionals establish what works and what is relevant to the therapeutic needs of the patient while giving consideration to patient preferences. Evaluation of outcomes guides the patient and the clinician to success.
Developing a Professional Learning Network (PLN) is initiated in much the same way as a patient care plan. Care plans are developed via the acronym ADPIE, denoting the stages the professional takes to treat the patient: Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation. In the beginning, interests for professional development are assessed much the same as patient needs are noted. Assessment of interests may reveal you may be interested in teaching, learning, cultures, clouds, adventure, or gems. In the diagnosis phase of PLN development, you will determine what you want to know about these interests and who are the thought leaders represented in these areas of interest. Mapping out a strategy for how you will link to your new found resources and how you will stay in contact fulfills the planning phase of the process. Linking with the selected individuals on social media outlets such as Blogger or Twitter quickly fulfills the implementation phase. As with patient care, evaluation is ongoing and critical to the overall success of any plan. To ensure success in the PLN development process, establish a routine to evaluate current contacts and seek out new sources to bolster and/or broaden your knowledge. Remember, it takes a team to develop an effective PLN!
In developing my personal PLN I selected several areas of interest and searched these topics on Twitter and Google Blogs. This method was used as a means to quickly sort and study the most prolific and current leaders in their fields. As with selecting a mentor, I valued experience in my selections and I sought out thought leaders who were "nailing" my areas of interest in a thoughtful, sometimes opposing yet, timely manner. After all, current information was valuable from diverse perspectives; for, if we all agreed all the time we'd never stretch and grow. Second on my selection criteria list were blogs that were current and up to date. Out of date and irrelevant information in today's knowledge-driven environment has no value and can rapidly diverge our focus, so it is wise to look at the dates on the most recent posts. If the source was up to date on the most recent post, yet had not posted for several months in between, I passed this candidate over.
My initial selections for resources were based on my current interests and perceptions of the sources as noted above. Guided by my PLN plan I selected: Lisa Kidder-For The Love of Teaching, Connie Malamed-The eLearning Coach, NPR Education, and Edudemic. You may access the blogs I am following on my Blogger page, under the Blogs link or review my favorites list under the Links tab then select "My Feedly". Begin your knowledge journey with a vision and a plan. Develop a team through a PLN. The time to begin is now!