Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Tube, The Rocket and the PC…….Technology and Learning

     When I was a child, technology was coming of age with the NASA space exploration program. I vaguely recall watching the launch of Apollo 11 mission in July of 1969, resulting in the first landing on the Moon. As my family sat before the wood encased, rounded corner television; we were awestruck at the black and white images of the astronauts, the rocket launch, and the Moon walk. This was my earliest recollection of my engagement with technology. Additionally, during this era computers emerged with the advent of integrated circuit technology and advancements moved rapidly from here.

     When I entered Dental Hygiene school in the early 1980’s, technology and learning began to merge. Dentistry was evolving rapidly with the use of digital radiography, intra-oral cameras, lasers, and computers. In the dental office I began to augment patient education with computer animated videos and digitally enhanced radiography. My experiences with technology and learning have been many and began early in life. As I worked through my career I was able to use technology to complete online continuing education courses, product update webinars, and advanced college degrees with the assistance of a personal computer (PC).  Technology has contributed greatly to my learning in many aspects. For example, I was able to work full-time and study when I could without sitting in a brick and mortar classroom for set hours.

     The learning in the technology assisted online classrooms was deeper, richer, and much more robust. I was able to access resources that would have not been available to me in the past. I learned new technologies and applications that assist me today in my career as a college professor. Interacting with other students online offered a global perspective with a greater cultural competence that would not have been gained in a traditional academic setting. This is where learning and technology really intersected in my life. I was able grow rapidly as a professional and develop a valued network of colleagues. In retrospect, where technology met learning in my life became the touchstone of measurable forward progression that is yet to yield or stop.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dr. Cindy,
    I can relate with having access to resources that would not have been available in the past, because I recently assist my son locate research information for a presentation. It took a few moments to gather all the information using the web. He save information to a flash drive, printed information immediately, typed his presentation and added it to Google Drive. He now has access anywhere.

    A project that would have taken me weeks to research, write note cards, type on a typewriter and white out my errors, took him a few hours. Technology has change how we learn, teach and connect with one another.

  3. I can relate with you on growing up with many amazing advancements in technology and using technology to complete online continuing education classes. Without this advancement, I am not sure I could have worked a full time job and still attend college.
    I can see how technology has assisted you in learning because I have also been influenced by learning with the assistance of advanced technology. I would never make it through some of my classes without being able to watch a YouTube video on something I did not understand. I am a visual learner and YouTube is a technology advancement I am glad to have.
